Leone Regentish(LR) is a dialect of the Merida Regentish(MR) variant of the Regentish diasystem spoken mainly in the urban area of Leone and the Northwest area of Regente Republic. It’s mutually intelligible with other dialects within the diasystem, but has a couple of innovative and distinctive features. There’s an ongoing project to encode and recognize a standard for LR, and it might become the third standard variant of Regento-Meridese language.



Meridese Regentish Leone Regentish
mi im, u
te et ~ it
el il ~ i (the latter doesn’t trigger lenition)
la la
ni ni
i vi
i i (triggers lenition)
Present Imperfect Preterite Future Conditional Imperative
Ieu m’ama m’amava m’amau m’amará m’amassi, m’amarebe -
Tu it ama it amava t’amau t’amará t’amassi, t’amarebe ama
Issu, essa il ama, la ama il amava, la amava il amau, la amau il amará, la amará il amassi, il amarebe -
Nantri ni ama ni amava ni amau ni amará ni amassi, ni amarebe amamo
Vartri vi ama vi amava vi amau vi amará vi amassi, ni amarebe amate
Lor i ama i amava i amau i amará vi amassi, ni amarebe -


Leone Regentish English Fala d’Arlian
carter group of friends grupo d’amigos
murir friend amigo, companneiro
mor boyfriend enamorado
mora girlfriend enamorada
viela city, villagre cidade, villa
bagú thing, subject, matter cousa
frater pal, mate, buddy amigo, mano
matita pencil lápiz
late cum, sperm esperma